Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Word of the Week#4- 2/23/2009

Emily Belding

Mcom 100w M/W 1:30

Word #4

Word: Deplorable

Source: I read this word in Indigenous Peoples, Ethnic Groups, and the State by David Maybury. It was reading homework for my Anthropology 146 class.

How it was used: This sentiment was criticized by the Narmada Control Authority as a deplorable attempt to create a rift among scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and the rest of Indian society.

Definition: Deplorable-adjective

1. causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable: the deplorable death of a friend.

2. causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad: This room is in deplorable order. You have deplorable manners.

My sentence: Throughout the inner city, I noticed a lot of deplorable housing conditions.

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